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Information and Health and Safety Guidelines for Stallholders

Health and Safety

The Upper Hutt Women’s Centre is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all persons attending the festival. We understand our stallholders have a right to operate in an environment that does not endanger their health or safety and that all people attending the festival have the right to safe surroundings.


The centre will take all reasonable steps to identify and eliminate hazards within our control and we require all stallholders to take all necessary steps to ensure the health and safety of themselves and others.


If any stallholder notices a potential hazard you are required to notify an event official immediately.  Our event officials are easily recognisable in hi-vis vests and the event information desk will be located outside the ANZ bank.  We welcome and appreciate any thoughts or ideas you have on improving the health and safety of the festival.


As a stallholder you are obligated to comply with the Health and Safety Act 2015. You are responsible for knowing and understanding your responsibilities in regards to the Act.


Food Stalls

All food sites are required to register with the Upper Hutt City Council and this will be checked on the day of the festival. Depending on the food you are making or selling you are required to operate under either a Food Control Plan or the National Programme. There are different permits for varying situations i.e. a temporary food stall, restaurant or café, takeaway premise or food manufacturer. Please refer to the Ministry of Primary Industries guidelines to determine where your food site or business fits within the rules


Stall Site Allocation

In order to obtain a site we require you provide a fully completed registration form. It is important you itemize all products you intend selling on the day  - if you sell items on the day that have not been listed there is the possibility we will ask you to remove these. We provide sites based on availability and with consideration that the aim of the festival is to provide a fun filled family day for our community. We are unable to accept any registrations on the day and in order for us to plan the site layout would appreciate if you can return your registration as soon as possible. Please note that any payments received via post will be banked on receipt however this does not mean a guaranteed site. We will forward confirmation of your stall site and maps on or before Friday the 16th August 2024. If we have been unable to provide you with a site you will receive advice of this and a refund on the same date or prior. Confirmations are sent by post in order that you have printed copies of your map and site number to bring with you on the day.


Stall Site Information

In order for you to locate your site easily on the day and be able to provide official confirmation of your allocation to officials, please bring all paperwork provided with your confirmation to the festival. Please note that we do not permit the on selling of sites and will not allow access to any persons without the correct paperwork. The sites are 3m x 3m and it is important you utilise your own space without encroaching on adjacent stall sites. You are required to provide your own gazebos and all equipment you will require for your stalls. It is extremely important access to retailers premises are kept clear and any obstruction to a retailers premise will be removed.


Stall Layout

There is always a potential for high winds in Main Street. Please ensure your goods and stall equipment are secured so no items have the potential to fall, trip people, become airborne or cause injury.


Gazebos and Sun Umbrellas

All stallholders using a gazebo must state the size on the registration form.  If you have not stated on your registration form that you will be erecting a gazebo you may be asked to remove it. Some sites are not suitable for gazebo’s which is why we request this information.  Gazebo’s must be securely anchored and will be checked on the day.  Please also ensure you are familiar with how to safely erect your gazebo. For Health and Safety reasons we do not allow sun umbrellas unless they are fixed to a solid structure.


Stall Site Access

You will be provided with a time slot on your confirmation which will detail when you are allowed entry into the festival to set up and likewise to exit / pack up. The confirmation will also include a map showing designated roads to use for entry and exit.


Gas and Electricity

All stallholders using gas or electricity must be able to verify that their gas and electrical devices are compliant and safe. These will be checked on the day and all electrical devices and gas appliances must display a current test tag and be compliant with the appropriate NZ Safety Standards.  You will not be able to use any device that does not display the correct tag.  Even if a device has a current tag, but is showing subsequent wear, you will still not be allowed to operate.  Please ensure that appliance leads are suitable for outside use. You must connect to the power through an RCD device.  Please check your RCD device using the inbuilt test push button before arriving at the festival. All leads require mats or tape over them to eliminate a potential tripping hazard.



We are unable to provide powered sites and if power is required you will need a generator. These must be quiet inverter generators and noted on your registration form. All generators must display a visible current test tag in accordance with NZ Safety Standards. Generators must be located in a way which ensures no hazards are created. The placement of an extension cord needs to be considered for safety ensuring they are distanced from any LPG bottles. Any petrol containers need to be safely stored away from the generator and if refueling is required this should be done away from the public.


LPG Bottles

LPG bottles should have good safety characteristics and crimp connections on the hoses. Appliance certification must be visible and they must be connected using approved gas connection fittings.  LPG bottles need to be restrained and located in a safe area away from flammables.


Multiboxes and Extension Cords

If you are using a multibox or extension cord, and display a current test tag, it must be suitable for outdoor use i.e. a heavy duty multibox or portable socket outlet assembly.


Caravans or Trailers

If you are using power from a mains source you must have an Electrical Warrant of Fitness.


All Vehicles and Trailers

All vehicles and Trailers require a current Vehicle Warrant of Fitness and Vehicle Registration.



If you need to reverse your vehicle at any time, you must ask someone to act as a spotter for you. This could be another stallholder or an event official if you are on your own.



No equipment which generates noise of over 75 decibels will be permitted.

Opening Hours

Mon - Friday : 9.00am - 2.00pm

Except public holidays


D : (04) 527 0017          /         M: 021 022 29746          /          Email :

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Upper Hutt Women's Centre
6 Sinclair Street
Upper Hutt, 5011

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